Steely Dan's ''Reelin' in the years'' song could be in a way about the likes by which than, she could've been followed around ''like a rolling stone'' song who couldn't ''stop'' listening to herself in it. With who she was sadly influenced and taught by that social and cultural ideology of the times that was printed on the rolling stone. Where her once individual mind rolled and bought into influencing her self-esteem to foolishly think that she was/is a genius since she was seventeen. Telling herself this programmed belief when spending a lot of time in the presence of her lib Friend and his 'ideas of love' that he believed should've lasted in their relationship for ever as a shinning diamond. But for whatever reason after the weekend at College she might have come to 'truly believe' the education she would be receiving there would continue to demoralize her precious values even more. So she decided to 'drop out' with a need to jump to another kind of a man, for who knows the reason, only now to be ''reelin' in the years'' of tears about the love that was left behind.